Doctor Movie Episode 130: The Church (aka Demons 3)

Hey, Doctor Movie here. We are back for more of the confusing Demons Saga with all of these unofficial titles added in the mix. Today we have the awesome Michele Soavi directed The Church ( aka Demons 3) . Yes thats right, there are 3 movies considered as Demons 3… confused yet? Then listen and let me try to explain the madness. Enjoy!
Hey, Doctor Movie here. We are back for more of the confusing Demons Saga with all of these unofficial titles added in the mix. Today we have the awesome Michele Soavi directed The Church ( aka Demons 3) . Yes thats right, there are 3 movies considered as Demons 3… confused yet? Then listen and let me try to explain the madness. Enjoy!
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Doctor Movie Episode 130: The Church (aka Demons 3)
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